European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign
The VINC Learning UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is the legal entity of the European Photoacademy ArtWebDesign (EuFoA). The Academy is an adult education provider in the field of digital artistic photography, digital image processing, digital design like corporate design and web design. Furthermore the institution is providing E-Learning in the form of internet-based Realtime Online Trainings (Webinars).
Cross-section subjects are interculturality, art, New Media, communication and modern methods of andragogy/education. The academy conducts seminars, workshops, a part-time study for employees/returners/unemployed people and projects.
The institution is highly qualified in the field that are subjects of the project: digital photography, art, intercultural competence and history. Therefore it will contribute its knowledge and qualification to the project.